Summer’s in home stretch
When people talk about the ‘dog days of summer,’ they’re referring to the sultry, hot days of the season that sometimes seem to stretch on forever–just like those long legs on the star of today’s homepage. This is a maned wolf, also known as a ‘fox on stilts,’ and it’s the largest species of canid in South America. As a canid, it belongs to the same family as the domestic dog, wolf, and coyote, and we think it makes a fun spokescritter for summer’s ‘dog days.’
Quick fact: Maned wolves use their urine to mark territory. It has a powerful aroma, reminding many humans of the smell that skunks emit. We’ll admire this maned wolf from a distance, thank you very much.
When people talk about the ‘dog days of summer,’ they’re referring to the sultry, hot days of the season that sometimes seem to stretch on forever–just like those long legs on the star of today’s homepage. This is a maned wolf, also known as a ‘fox on stilts,’ and it’s the largest species of canid in South America. As a canid, it belongs to the same family as the domestic dog, wolf, and coyote, and we think it makes a fun spokescritter for summer’s ‘dog days.’
Quick fact: Maned wolves use their urine to mark territory. It has a powerful aroma, reminding many humans of the smell that skunks emit. We’ll admire this maned wolf from a distance, thank you very much.